A Problem worth Solving

Welcome to our ministry:

Women are leaving the church and our goal is to reach these women before they leave or after and minister the importance of fellowship with like-minded believers and developing a lasting relationship with Jesus.

According to Barna Group, barna.com, an increasing number of women are shifting away from church-going and from the Christian faith. In the past, men have been less likely to regularly attend church, but just over a decade, the gap is closing. Historically, 60% of unchurched people were men, but today that number is now 54%. The gap between unchurched men and unchurched women has narrowed from 20 points to just 8 points in the last ten years.

According to the Barna research, 4 in 10 women have not been to church in the last 6 months and 7% have never been to church. There are five factors that Barna Research has contributed to this: competing priorities, busyness, lack of emotional engagement and support, changing family structures, or changes in belief. Barna's research over the years has shown that people who are disconnected from church - even those who identify as Christian - are less likely to engage in other faith activities: such as Bible reading, prayer, volunteering, and charitable giving. Millennials were significantly less likely than other generations to claim to identify with family, faith, country, city, state, ethnicity, or career as central to their identity. If women and girls of all ages are not feeling supported by the church, where are they finding that support? How are they being healed from depression, abuse, physical illness? Who are they confiding in or trusting with their hearts?

Our Solution: We know that Hebrews 10:25 tells us the importance of meeting together and to encourage one another. That is why we believe it is important to provide a safe place for women to have fellowship and discipleship while growing in their relationship in Jesus Christ. We believe that it is important to gather girls and women together in small, intimate groups to build trust and rapport.

In a small group, women are noticed, given more opportunity to be heard and ask questions, and able to study God's Word on topics that are important to them. Some of these topics to include: self-worth, finding their identity in Christ, healing from emotional and physical issues, and knowing how much they are truly loved and pursued by God.  Once women have learned these foundational truths, they will be able to disciple other women and lead their own small groups. They also will be more confident in their walk with God and become vital leaders in their own churches, offering other women the support they have been longing for.

Our Beginning

I was attending Charis Bible College and was in the Leadership Program, which is an optional 3rd year program that teaches a combination of Business and Ministry. Each of us students had to present a project idea of either a business or a ministry. I spent some time in prayer and truly thought this was just so I would have something to present to the class. But as I prayed, the Lord started lying out this ministry to me and I knew that this was not going to be just a project but a calling for my life. I was truly not surprised that my ministry was chosen as one of the projects for my class to develop because I know that God truly wants to reach out to His daughters through this ministry. This is the beginning of ministry and I am so excited to see where God takes us. Join us as we discover our destiny together, for such a time as this..